Mind Body Reset - 12 Week Group Programme

Are you completely fed up with endless diets that promise you the magic pill of weight loss? Do you want to overhaul your eating so that it works for you and your weight?
I have created this group programme to enable to you reframe your mindset around food and reset your body to find it's comfortable, forever weight.
This is not a weight loss diet. This programme shows you how to eat to maintain a healthy weight without the need for yo-yo dieting.
Start Date: Wednesday 21st April 2021
Time: 12pm midday
End Date: Wednesday 7th July 2021
Starting April 21st, this 12 week intensive group programme is designed for healthy, sustainable, long term weight loss. It does not promote dangerously fast weight loss - rather we will be working on correcting underlying imbalances that cause weight gain and make weight loss a struggle.
Are you ready to:
finally ditch unhealthy, useless dieting - for good?
find out what really works - for you?
break free from the guilt, hopelessness and depression that dieting creates?
reframe your mindset - see food as your friend, not your enemy?
nourish your body, not starve it?
What's involved?
Fortnightly group zoom session (1.5hrs)
Private Facebook group for daily inspiration and support
Health coaching to help you reach your goals and change your mindset about food
Fabulous eating plan plus bonus materials!
Optional diagnostic testing available to personalise your plan
There are limited places available on this small group programme Want to speak to me first? Book your free review call HERE
This is the beginning of taking responsibility for your health, owning your body and nourishing it with what it needs to be strong, healthy and bursting with vitality. This is about creating a mindset that takes back control of your food, your nutrition, your health and your weight.
With my support and accountability, this programme comes with fortnightly zoom sessions where we will work through common imbalances that affect health and weight loss. There is a fabulously simple, mix-and-match, delicious menu plan including ‘real’ and satisfying ingredients that are designed to reduce inflammation, increase energy levels, help with sleep issues and improve your body composition.
The eating plan is based on real unprocessed whole foods, low starchy carbohydrates, good complex carbohydrates, lean protein, healthy fats and good amounts of antioxidants. As inflammation is a major driver of weight gain, this plan is anti-inflammatory - it works to reduce inflammation and stress in the body.
No shakes, no syns, no calorie counting, no points counting, no sachets of fake food
This is NOT a faddy diet - with my support and expertise this programme will support you in adopting a healthy eating plan for life.
So, what's stopping you??!!
Book now to secure your place - and start your health journey
For more info, or to secure your place please call or email me
Early Bird pricing starts at £750
Any diagnostic testing costs are additional to the programme cost, and varies according to the test selected, these are optional
Any supplement recommendations, which are also optional, are an additional cost
07725 744244